UPDATE: May 7th, 2019

What’s new

  • As per the update of 20th April, we have made a more thorough assessment of Highways England Corridor Assessment Report “aspirational growth estimates of workers and jobs”. A paper on this has been produced and circulated to 29 Parish Councils and other groups.

  • The paper includes the map below, which we have produced to show Highways England’s own growth estimates by location. NB this is above growth already planned in Councils Local Plans. This map really demonstrates the incredible scale of “transformational development” being advocated for Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire.

  • The No Expressway Alliance have produced a further paper “Economic assessments of Ox-Cam Expressway: Analysis” based on what has been detailed in Highways England’s Corridor Assessment Report and Strategic Outline Business Case. This has also been circulated to 29 parishes and other groups.

  • NB Please contact Olivia Field at noexpresswaygroup@gmail.com if you’d like a copy of either of these insightful papers!

  • Further “Under Threat” No Expressway signs have now been put up in Piddington and Launton.

  • We have been asked to speak at both Piddington and Holton Annual Parish Meetings in May.

  • SAVE THE DATES! Meeting in Beckley village hall on 10th June with guest speakers. This year’s “Walk the Moor” event will take place on Sunday 7th July. A picnic is being organised by NEA on Brill Hill on 27th July.

What’s next?

  • Continue to put up new signs & raise awareness locally and with other groups

  • Oxford Civic Society Expressway Debate (Ian Hudspeth vs Danny Dorling), 17th June, Assembly Rooms, Oxford Town Hall (booking essential)

  • 8th June The Otmoor Challenge

  • 6th July Market on the Green in HcS, we hope to have a stall to share latest info and answer questions.

  • 7th July Walk the Moor event, more information to follow

  • 27th July picnic on Brill Hill, more information to follow

  • John Howell meeting for Parish Councillors only in the Millenium Hall to be rescheduled.

Cat Wood