UPDATE: April 20th, 2019

What’s new?

  • IMPORTANT! On further detailed analysis of Highways England’s Corridor Assessment Report (CAR), we have found alarming information about “aspirational growth potential estimates of workers and jobs” for both sides of the preferred Corridor B.

B1 follows a route West of Oxford city, and uses the A34 to M40 junction 9, continuing from there eventually to run parallel to the line of East-West rail. B3 comes South of Oxford city, joining the M40 at J8A and probably following this North to a new junction between Arncott and Boarstall, from where it goes across country, also to run parallel to EWR.

The CAR models aspirational growth development at key locations along potential expressway routes between “West of Didcot” and “West Cambrindge”.

  • These key locations are expressway junctions and areas within 4kms of them.

  • Assumptions have been made to estimate “aspirational growth” including the “spare vehicle capacity” at each expressway junction, above forecasts of existing sources of traffic. This is turned into an estimate of the number of new dwellings that could be built near the junction, hence deriving an estimate of the number of workers available locally the employment land around each junction, to generate an estimate of the number of jobs potentially available

  • Aspirational growth estimates are in addition to new housing in all existing local plans; i.e. they are additional houses that building the expressway could enable

  • The aspirational growth is very substantial for both B1 and B3 options but greater for B3, mainly because B3 goes through more open countryside, presently with few dwellings and cars. Thus, more “spare capacity” at each expressway junction, allowing more aspirational growth

  • Aspirational growth estimates for corridor B3 suggest > 50,000 new jobs and workers for “East of Oxford” junction AND > 80,000 new jobs and workers for “East of Oakley” junction

  • These are huge estimates, given that Oxford City currently has approx. 88,000 full time jobs, 118,000 jobs in total and 130,000 workers in total (i.e. some are part-time)

  • The CAR emphasises that its aspirational figures are maximum possible values at each location, implying additional development in other areas of Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire to achieve the 1 million houses across the Arc proposed by the National Infrastructure Commission.

  • This reinforces our concerns of a new M40 junction between Arncot and Boarstall and all the implications that aspirational growth “East of Oakley” and other sites might have. More information on this will follow.

  • SAVE THE DATES! This year’s “Walk the Moor” event will take place on Sunday 7 th July. A picnic is being organised by NEA on Brill Hill on 27 th July.

  • Our first film to tell a story of our location and community is now being edited and we hope to post it on our website soon! It is about the artist Nick Mynheer, his memories of Otmoor and its influence on his art. If you have any ideas of great local stories we can tell, do let us know!

  • Attended Piddington Parish Council meeting to share information of campaign so far and how we can work together. We will be putting up “Under Threat” No Expressway signs in Piddington next week.

What’s next

  • Continue to put up new signs & raise awareness locally and with other groups

  • Oxford Civic Society Expressway Debate (Ian Hudspeth vs Danny Dorling), 17th June, Assembly Rooms, Oxford Town Hall (booking essential)

  • 6th July Market on the Green in HcS, we hope to have a stall to share latest info and answer questions.

  • 7th July Walk the Moor event, more information to follow

  • 27th July picnic on Brill Hill, more information to follow

  • John Howell meeting for Parish Councillors only in the Millenium Hall to be rescheduled.

Cat Woodapril, update