NEWS: Roads Minister Jess Norman MP Comments on the Expressway in Parliament

On January 11th, 2019 the Roads Minister, Jesse Norman MP, said the following in a parliamentary Adjournment debate on the expressway, called by Layla Moran (Lib Dem Oxford West/Abingdon):

“As I said, we haven't made any pre-judgements.  Our very strong preference is not to cross Otmoor.  We have therefore selected options that do not do that. We have given that very clear signal. But it's important to say that we are still at the relatively early stage of the process and therefore our preferred routes are just that, and subject to further discussions, consultation and review.  The Government and Highways England need to do serious further analytical work to develop, design and route options that are workable for the communities and the environment that facilitate movement and that ease travel for people both working and at leisure.  As has been mentioned, there are considerable constraints in relation to Oxford, of many different kinds, and these are part of the wider process of evaluation...." 

Cat Woodnews, january, parliament