UPDATE: 28th January, 2019

What’s new?

  • Jesse Norman MP confirmed in parliament on 11th January that Otmoor is NOT “safe” from the proposed Expressway as had previously been stated in the 9/2018 corridor announcement.

  • Our new signs have started to be put up across the local area.  Wheatley Parish Council requested signs to be put up prior to the South Oxfordshire District Council local plan consultation meeting there on 21st January.  13 of our new signs can be seen in Wheatley.

  • The graphics for our signs is available for you to print off and put in your windows. 

  • Further information has been provided by our County Councillor, Dan Sames, which is helping us refine where we think a likely South & East of Oxford route might go.  It makes the likelihood of a new M40 junction near the Magnolia Golf Course / Boarstall seem even more likely.

  • David spoke at the North Otmoor No Expressway community meeting on 22nd Jan, and we have attended a community Expressway meeting in Islip and a meeting regarding South Oxfordshire District Council’s local plan in Elsfield.

  • Oxford City Council passed a motion on 28th January in opposition to the proposed Expressway plans.  This was backed by all parties

  • PLEASE REMEMBER Highways England will be announcing its short list of Expressway routes in the Autumn this year. 

So, the time is now – to ensure our councillors and MP’s are contribute to and reflect our views, concerns and local knowledge in this process.  It is critical our voices heard now.  Contact details are provided below.

 What’s next?

  • Further assessment of the “NSIPs” process and preparations the group needs to make

  • Continue to put up new signs & raise awareness locally and with other groups.

  • No Expressway Alliance general meeting open to all in the alliance in March 2019


-          Olivia Field on olivia_field@hotmail.com

What can you do?

 Contribute to the South Oxfordshire District Council (SODC) consultation here –


 Write to your councillors & MP:

  • Object to the lack of public consultation & visibility, lack of Strategic Environmental Assessment, over inflated housing targets for the area (without focusing to have these in the right location at the right price) and the ongoing threat to our area,

  • Remind them it is critical that they are involved in and contribute to Highways England processes now, and that they should be representing our views.

 Our County and District Councillors and the below MPs:

Leader of the Oxfordshire County Council - Ian Hudspeth - ian.hudspeth@oxfordshire.gov.uk

Councillors for Beckley, Forest Hill and Stanton St John:

District Councillor – John Walsh, john.walsh@southoxon.gov.uk

County Councillor – Tim Bearder, tim.bearder@oxfordshire.gov.uk

 Councillors for Horton-cum-Studley:

District Councillor – David Hughes, david.hughes@cherwell-dc.gov.uk

District Councillor – Simon Holland, simon.holland@cherwell-dc.gov.uk

District Councillor – Timothy Hallchurch, timothy.hallchurch@cherwell-dc.gov.uk

County Councillor – Dan Sames, dan.sames@oxfordshire.gov.uk

Henley constituency - John Howell, howelljm@parliament.uk

Chris Grayling - chris.grayling@dft.gsi.gov.uk

Michael Gove - secretary.state@defra.gsi.gov.uk

James Brokenshire - james.brokenshire@communities.gsi.gov.uk

Cat Woodjanuary, update