UPDATE: March 30, 2020

Dear Supporter

We hope you are well and staying safe at this very difficult and worrying time.

We normally send out an update full of information about what NEG is doing, how we’re putting pressure on the government to cancel the Expressway and the latest news.  But right now, there are more important and pressing issues for all of us.  So, our updates are taking a break.

In the background, working from home, the NEG campaign team will be looking at implications of:

  • The March Budget and Road Investment Strategy 2 (RIS2) references to a long-term Spatial Framework for the Oxford-Cambridge Arc being produced

  • RIS2 announcements regarding the “pause” of “further development of the scheme [Ox-Cam Expressway] while we undertake further work on other potential road projects that could support the Government’s ambition for the Oxford-Cambridge Arc”…  “including exploring opportunities to alleviate congestion around the Arc’s major economic centres such as Milton Keynes” and others.  And why RIS2 only talks about M1 to M40, not the M4.

  • How to respond and engage communities in responding to England’s Economic Heartland Transport Strategy consultation currently planned for Summer 2020

We will be back to continue the fight.  Until then, we wish you and your family well.

Best wishes

The No Expressway Group