NEWS: Total MK February 10, 2019

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“Relief in Milton Keynes communities as Expressway plans are dropped”

The Total MK website reports on a meeting hosted by David Hopkins and No Expressway Group Woburn Sands who have been leading the campaign against the Ox-Cam Expressway in the villages and communities in South Milton Keynes threatened by what Highways England calls “community severance”.

At this meeting, Iain Stewart MP (MK South) unofficially announced that the Oxford to Cambridge Expressway is cancelled and that an official announcement will come soon.

NEG’s position - Whilst this ‘unofficial’ announcement is promising, this scheme is not cancelled until there’s an official statement to say it’s cancelled. Which is what NEG is now pressing for.

Furthermore, this does not address the over inflated housing targets along the Arc and electrification of East West Rail.

Want to help the campaign? Sign our petition here!

Total MK website says “Residents in Wavendon, Woburn Sands, Bow Brickhill and surrounding communities in Milton Keynes have collectively breathed a sigh of relief at the news that the government is to shelve plans for an extension of the Oxford – MK – Cambridge Expressway.”

The Total MK website goes on to report that “The extension was originally planned to run from Junction 13 of the M1, through Milton Keynes and onwards across Buckinghamshire to Oxford. The planned route, given that the so-called route corridor passed through these villages, threatened to destroy homes, blight neighbourhoods and sever existing communities in two.

”Iain Stewart MP, announced the news on Friday evening to a packed meeting of leading local Parish and Town Council representatives. He confirmed he had received the news from George Freeman MP (Secretary of State [correction Minister of state] at the Department of Transport) and that some of monies originally earmarked for the project would now be transferred into speeding the delivery of the much anticipated East West rail link and into locally decided road improvement schemes.

“Councillor David Hopkins has been vocal in his opposition to the Expressway project. "Local people are absolutely delighted with this very welcome news," he said. "The Expressway project from J13 to Oxford was blighting the lives of many residents in my village and in neighbouring communities and this news comes as very welcome relief for all concerned. My thanks to Iain Stewart for representing our interests in this matter and to the No Expressway Groups from Oxford and locally in Woburn Sands who have helped raise awareness and supported the campaign to see the project abandoned. Now let’s see the long awaited rail link opening asap!"“

You can see the article here.

Guest Usernews, February 2020