NEWS: Oxford Mail January 6, 2019

Ox Mail 6th Jan 2020.PNG

Oxford to Cambridge Expressway review must involve public

The Oxford Mail reports on POETS (Planning Oxfordshire’s Environment & Transport Sustainably) writing to the Oxfordshire Growth Board calling on it to press Government to commit to the public engagement on the proposals for the Oxford to Cambridge Arc, not just the expressway, which had been promised last year.

The Ministry of Housing, Communities and local Government published a paper in March 2019 titled “The Oxford-Cambridge Arc. Government ambition and joint declaration between Government and local partners”, with a forward by Cllr Barry Wood, Leader of Cherwell District Council and Chair of the Arc Leaders Group.

This paper promised public engagement exercise over Summer 2019 on the plan for the Ox-Cam Arc but nothing has happened so far. This was supposed to “inform our future plans for the Arc and ensure they benefit existing and new communities and businesses.” You can see the paper here.

The Oxford Mail reports “A PRESSURE group wants to ensure that any review of the Oxford to Cambridge Expressway involves the public. Proposed by Highways England, the £3.5 billion road plan would link Oxford and Cambridge via a corridor where one million homes could be built.

“In a pre-election visit to Oxfordshire in November Mr Shapps indicated the scheme could be reviewed but has not spoken about the matter further.

The report goes on “POETS is urging the Oxfordshire Growth Board to press the Government on how a review should be run.

“[POETS] Spokesman Noel Newson welcome indications that there will be a review but said: “it is important that such a review is comprehensive and involves the public. The Growth Board has previously expressed concern that the lack of certainty over the Expressway was affecting planning for effective and sustainable growth in Oxfordshire. Equally, uncertainty over other key elements, especially housing, employment and environmental components of the proposals for the Arc also restricts the ability to plan effectively."

The report also mentions NEGs requests to Grant Shapps to “be part of any review and said it should be extended to include discussions about the creation of the one million houses by 2050 associated with the route.”

You can read the full article here.

You can read the letter sent by POETS to the Chair of the Oxford Growth Board here.

Want to have your say? Sign our petition now!

We urgently need your help.

Your donations are needed now, to help us run the campaign and pay for political consultants and other professional experts to bring this campaign to the attention of Westminster as well as local politicians.

No Expressway Group believes there is no need for an Oxford-Cambridge Expressway, nor the over-inflated housing targets associated with it, and we will actively campaign against it and support other organisations with the same objectives. 

Our environment is a national asset which is critical for everyone’s health and well-being. We must not let it be destroyed.

Your donations help us to spread information about the Expressway, run and build support for the campaign:

  • £10 could pay for one roadside Correx poster

  • £15 could pay for one roadside poster on a wooden stake

  • £20 could pay for one A1 printed colour poster for our pagoda display

  • £35 could pay for 250 A5 printed leaflets for the campaign

  • £70 could pay for one pole and two panels for our travelling pagoda display

  • £150 could pay for one feather flag for our travelling pagoda

  • £180 could pay to run this website for one year

  • £300 could pay for a 3 minutes of an Expressway Story

  • £500 could pay for a 5 minutes of an Expressway Story

  • A greater or other amount could contribute to the cost of professional support for our campaign in general and in preparation for Planning Inspectorate hearings

Please note:

The No Expressway Group has a group bank account to which the Chair, Secretary and Treasurer are signatories. The group will publish accounts on each year which will be audited by an accountant from outside the NEG group.

If any funds are left at the end of the campaign, these will be donated equally between RSPB and BBOWT.

Guest Usernews, january 20