NEWS: MK Citizen January 14, 2019

MK Cit. Council cabinet Jan 20.PNG

Anti Oxford-to-Cambridge expressway campaigners unconvinced by Milton Keynes Council’s “de facto opposition” policy

MK Citizen reports “A council both opposes AND conditionally supports plans for a new expressway road that could slice through Milton Keynes countryside, depending on how the policy is looked at.

“Council leader Cllr Pete Marland (Lab, Woverton) “said “The de facto policy is to oppose the expressway because of the high bar we have set.” The council is insisting on Highways England meeting four key points as the price of its support.

“These are: high quality cycle infrastructure, a strong commitment to wildlife and biodiversity, a strong commitment to public transport, and that an electrified East-West Rail line is opened before any expressway.

The report says that on 13th January “the cabinet came under pressure from a councillor and nine members of the public to join other councils in the area and announce outright opposition.

“But campaigners were having none of it.

“A No Expressway Group has been set up in Woburn Sands to raise public awareness of what they see as a threat as the new road winds from south of Bletchley through to M1 junction 13 at Brogborough.

“Cllr David Hopkins (Cons, Danesborough & Walton) wants MK Council to fall in line with neighbouring councils “no ifs, no buts” and oppose. He said “The threat blights the whole of south and east Milton Keynes. It is time to end the uncertainty and send a clear message to government,”

Cllr David Hopkins will table a motion for the full MK Council to debate and vote on on Wednesday 22nd January.

Concerns were also raised that MK had signed a Non-Disclosure Agreement with Highways England. MK Council thought it would be better to be in the know and represent MK citizens. But have they every asked the people of MK what they think?

You can read the full report here.

Will you go to represent your views? Will the council vote to oppose the Expressway?

Frustrated? Sign our petition now! Every signature counts!

We urgently need your help.

Your donations are needed now, to help us run the campaign and pay for political consultants and other professional experts to bring this campaign to the attention of Westminster as well as local politicians.

No Expressway Group believes there is no need for an Oxford-Cambridge Expressway, nor the over-inflated housing targets associated with it, and we will actively campaign against it and support other organisations with the same objectives. 

Our environment is a national asset which is critical for everyone’s health and well-being. We must not let it be destroyed.

Your donations help us to spread information about the Expressway, run and build support for the campaign:

  • £10 could pay for one roadside Correx poster

  • £15 could pay for one roadside poster on a wooden stake

  • £20 could pay for one A1 printed colour poster for our pagoda display

  • £35 could pay for 250 A5 printed leaflets for the campaign

  • £70 could pay for one pole and two panels for our travelling pagoda display

  • £150 could pay for one feather flag for our travelling pagoda

  • £180 could pay to run this website for one year

  • £300 could pay for a 3 minutes of an Expressway Story

  • £500 could pay for a 5 minutes of an Expressway Story

  • A greater or other amount could contribute to the cost of professional support for our campaign in general and in preparation for Planning Inspectorate hearings

Please note:

The No Expressway Group has a group bank account to which the Chair, Secretary and Treasurer are signatories. The group will publish accounts on each year which will be audited by an accountant from outside the NEG group.

If any funds are left at the end of the campaign, these will be donated equally between RSPB and BBOWT.

Guest Usernews, january 20