UPDATE: Oakley/Worminghall Village Meeting

No Expressway Campaign Growing

Every No Expressway meeting is ‘standing room only’ with yesterday Oakley & Worminghall meeting no exception.

Prof David Rogers and Olivia Field of No Expressway Group presented the current information about the proposed expressway and the 1 million new homes planned along the Ox-Cam Arc. The presentation updated the audience on the upcoming Highways England Consultation and how to get involved in the Campaign.

Cllr Angela Macpherson, Chair of AVDC and County Councillor followed with the details from the meeting on Wednesday 18 September and the significant step forward taken by AVDC when the voted unanimously to oppose the Ox-Cam Expressway. Cllr Macpherson received a show of appreciation with the news that she has also put a Notice of Motion to the Bucks County Council meeting tomorrow, Thursday 26th September to oppose the Ox-Cam Expressway.

Cllr Martin Tett, Leader of Bucks County Council and Chair of England's Economic Heartland followed on with his update, he is against the Ox-Cam Expressway in its current form.

With thanks to John Mole, Chair of Oakley Parish Council for the warm welcome, to Tracey Skates, Chair of Worminghall Parish Council, Vicky Everitt and Alex Griffiths for all their help in organising this meeting.

Thank you too, to everyone who took time out of their evening to come to the meeting.

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Guest Userupdate, September 19