UPDATE: June 1st, 2019

What’s New?

  • The first Expressway Stories video has been released. It is on YouTube and available through a link on our noexpressway.org website, under the “Our Campaign” tab in a section called “Expressway Stories”.

This 5 minute film “Expressway Stories – Otmoor”, features the artist Nick Mynheer talking about Otmoor, its influence on his work, the importance of open countryside and what could be lost if the expressway were to go ahead.

Thank you to Elsie Barker for filming and editing this for us! And a huge thank you to Nick Mynheer and Zac Shannon for taking part.

ACTION - Please get tweeting this and share as widely as you can.

ACTION – Do you have an Expressway Story that’s worth sharing? Contact us at noexpresswaygroup@gmail.com

  • Another 4 villages and 4 individuals have been in touch wanting additional information.

  • We presented at Piddington and Holton Annual Parish Meetings and Charndon Village meeting.

  • Met with concerned residents of Long Crendon to help them plan their village meeting for 5th June.

  • Attended NEA Steering Group

What’s Next?

  • Continue to update website, put up new signs & raise awareness locally and with other groups

  • The No Expressway “travelling pagoda” will be at the Otmoor Challenge on 8th June and Boarstall Fete on 15th June – come and talk to us!

  • NB John Howell MP for Henley will be opening the Otmoor Callenge fete and starting the runners. Feel free to talk to him about the proposed expressway and vast housing growth targets.

  • Finalise other travelling pagoda events.

  • Look at potential fundraising activities.

Remember to bookmark our Events page.

With questions, comments and useful information, please contact us.

Cat Woodupdate