UPDATE: February 25th, 2019

  • GREAT NEWS! BBOWT won the oral hearing at the High Court of their legal case that Highways England should have completed a Strategic Environmental Assessment before choosing their preferred corridor.  This means the High Court have ruled that the government has a case to answer, and the legal case can continue.

  • A further 3 Parish Councils (Stanton St John, Worminghall, Brill) have confirmed they want some of our new “Under Threat, No Expressway” signs to be put up in their villages. We are awaiting feedback from other Parish Council meetings. 

Unfortunately, 8 of our new signs have been removed/taken down. If anyone has removed one or finds one, please can these be returned to the bus shelter at the bottom of Horton Hill (HcS) where they can be collected.

  • We have been in touch with Highways England regarding their programme process and how this fits with NSIPs, and importantly their “cut-off date” for receiving information to inform their route shortlisting process.  We are currently awaiting feedback.

  • Consultation on the Oxfordshire Plan to 2050 is now open until 25th March.  The plan covers the period from 2031/36 (when the current round of Local Plans ends) to 2050. By the end of the Local Plan period Oxfordshire will have 100,000 more homes; now is your chance to say how our county should develop beyond that point.  You can read the plan and give feedback here:  https://oxfordshireplan.inconsult.uk/consult.ti

  • PLEASE REMEMBER Highways England will be announcing its short list of Expressway routes in the Autumn this year. 

So, the time is now – to ensure our Parish, District and County councillors and MP’s are contributing to HE’s processes and reflect our views, concerns and local knowledge in this process.  It is critical our voices heard now.  District and County Councillor and MP Contact details are provided below.

 What’s next?

  • Further assessment of the “NSIPs” process and preparations the group needs to make

  • Continue to put up new signs & raise awareness locally and with other groups

  • No Expressway Alliance AGM on 26th February and general meeting open to all in the alliance on 30th March 2019

  • 2nd April Oxfordshire County Council – there will be a motion on the Expressway.  Time to lobby your County Councillor to ensure they know your views!

 CONTACT: Olivia Field on olivia_field@hotmail.com

What Can You Do?

 Contribute to the Oxfordshire Plan to 2050 consultation here – https://oxfordshireplan.inconsult.uk/consult.ti

 Write to your councillors & MP:

Object to the lack of public consultation & visibility, lack of Strategic Environmental Assessment, over inflated housing targets for the area (without focusing to have these in the right location at the right price) and the ongoing threat to our area,

Cat Woodupdate, february