STATEMENT - Green Party Position on Expressway and target of 1 million houses across Ox-Cam Arc

Green Party Statement from Caroline Russell (Transport Spokesperson)

Following Grant Shapps announcement about Conservative Party position, the following party Transport spokespeople were were asked for statement - Brexit Party, Green Party, Labour Party, Liberal Democrat Party

“Thank you for contacting me about the Cambridge-Oxford Expressway.

As you say The Green Party has a clear policy to stop building new roads which simply makes things worse in a climate and air pollution emergency. Rather we would invest in public transport and decent conditions for walking and cycling.

I have consulted with Oxfordshire Green Party who say that they support re-opening rail lines in preference to any trunk road building, and the Cambridge-Oxford 'Varsity Line' is supported by the Govt for such reopening as East West Rail.

They are particularly concerned about the risk of worsening air pollution, noise and congestion where the proposed Expressway connects with major roads in the Oxford City Region. They point out that Oxford already has about 46,000 cars entering the City on weekdays. However, as a major employment and shopping centre it also has very large scale delivery vehicle movements. Oxford has major hospital facilities, a lot of schools, City and County council HQs, big retail development and a larger periphery of industrial-science park development incl a major publishing sector. Coupled with the increases in household deliveries as internet shopping continues to rise, this is already a 'perfect storm' of traffic problems.

Further, major road use has risen by 5% over the last seven years despite park and ride facilities. Building a new road will make things worse. It will induce extra traffic, create more congestion and worsen air pollution.

In terms of building homes, we only support building new homes if they are accessible by public transport so that no-one living there is forced to own or use a car to make their daily journeys to work, school, college or the shops.

The Green Party is aware that 1 million homes are proposed for the Cambridge-Oxford Arc and a further 1 million for the end of the Thames Estuary in Essex and Kent, all by 2050. Apart from major construction skills shortages, we are generally opposed to greenfield site development when existing built environment and brownfield sites are available.

Using the latter opportunities is far less likely to prompt new road building, longer distance commuting or inflated infrastructure costs. It is also consistent with making good use of existing forms of pubic transport.

I am happy to support you in opposing the Cambridge-Oxford Expressway.

With best wishes


Caroline Russell AM

Transport Spokesperson, The Green Party”