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Brill Parish Oxford-Cambridge Arc and Expressway Meeting


Presentations from Councillors, Barry Wood on the “Arc leaders” view and David Rogers (NEG) Local environmental (route and housing growth). Followed by Q&A.

The full agenda is:

19:30 Introduction Mark Dickinson, Chair, Brill Parish Council .
19:40 Talks by local councillors.
Cllr Martin Tett, Leader, Bucks County Council: The county council’s understanding and view of the Oxford-Cambridge Arc development and its role in the definition and planning of the route and the housing developments. 
Cllr Angela Macpherson, Leader, Aylesbury Vale District Council. Aylesbury Vale District Council perspective including the alignment with the emerging local plan.
Cllr Cameron Branston, AVDC Grendon Underwood and Brill Ward. The Brill Ward view and involvement.
20:10 Cllr Barry Wood, Leader of Cherwell District Council and Chair of the Arc Leaders Group. The economic case for investment in housing and the expressway across the Arc. (The Arc Leaders Group represents local authority leaders and Chairs of the Local Enterprise Partnerships across the Arc) 
20:25 David Rogers, Professor of Ecology (Retired), Department of Zoology, Oxford University, No Expressway Group (NEG). Local Environmental Concerns Thoughts on the route options within the preferred corridors and their potential impact on the local and national environment 
20:40 Question and Answer Session. Questions from the audience to the panel Chaired by Mark Dickinson 
21:10 Close

Earlier Event: 17 June
Oxford Civic Expressway debate
Later Event: 30 June
Waddesdon Village Fete